Customers get half the value under new Optus pre-paid broadband plans

The company has come under fire from some customers after cutting the value of some pricing plans in half.

Just months after the launch of its pre-paid broadband service, Optus is reducing the value it delivers to users.

Effective November 24, $30 will buy customers 1GB of data, with $40 buying 2GB, $70 buying 4GB and $100 buying 6GB.

Under the new scheme, the $30 and $40 plans have had their allowance cut in half. Presently, a $30 recharge gives users 2GB of data.

And the $70 and $100 plans have been reduced from providing 6GB and 9GB allowance respectively.

By way of comparison, Virgin Broadband – which also offers pre-paid internet – offers 1GB for $15 and 5GB for $50.

The Optus announcement has drawn the ire of the Whirlpool Forums community. "It kind of reminds me of that old drug dealer quote 'first one is free'," one user wrote.

"Now that they have grabbed enough market share they will increase the prices forcing people to either cut their losses with a bad investment or continue to pay exorbitant rates."

Under the new pricing plan, customers do receive a 15 percent data allowance bonus for paying for credit online. But this did little to placate the Whirlpool Forums.

One user asked, "are we supposed to feel happy about being forced to pay online in order to get back 15% of what they are taking away?"

The new plans can be viewed here

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